
Please support us

The Guild has been using online fundraising since 2018 when extra money was needed for new staging, and we continue to take advantage of this simple method of helping to boost our finances.

If you would like to play a part in this initiative, it's really easy to do. There are more than 3,000 shops, insurance, utility and travel companies that offer small donations when you purchase online or use Click and Collect. This can soon add up, so if you do shop online please register and choose NHGS as your cause.

Go to

Click on the pink tab on the main screen and register creating a password. Guild treasurer Diane Richards recommends that you download the app which only takes a few seconds more, puts an icon on your toolbar and saves you the necessity of going into the Easyfundraising site first. Then if you buy something from a member site you will be asked automatically if you would like to activate a donation.

Please take a few minutes to join this scheme, and help the Guild.